Posted on 4/28/2022

A car's brakes are composed of several components, each of which needs to be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure the vehicle can stop safely in case of an emergency. These parts include brake lines, brake pads, rotors, and calipers. Common signs you need to replace brake pads and rotors Grinding Sound When Braking Anytime you apply pressure to the brake pedal, a grinding noise will sound, which means your brake pads need to be changed ASAP. Some brake pads come with metal wear indicators that emit a loud noise to alert you that they need replacement. You expose yourself to more damage and higher repair costs if you leave the brake pads to grind. Vibrations During Braking Your vehicle's braking system likely needs professional service if you hear a vibration when you apply the brakes. Your rotors are possibly warped and will have unevenly worn brake pads. Slower stopping If you're unable to apply the brakes with any force, this is another sign that your brake ... read more